Saturday, October 15, 2011

It's all about hearing it wrong or right?

I overheard a conversation tonight, between my husband, daughter and her Boyfriend (who from now on will be titled "Boyfriend".
Dad/Husband: So I asked "Son" where you were and he said in the bathroom with boyfriend.
Dad/Husband: WHAT?
Son: No it's okay, Boyfriend is just in there changing.
Dad/Husband: WHAT?

No, Daughter wasn't in the bathroom with Boyfriend, while he was getting changed, she was standing outside the door, talking to him. Sadly, our lives need disclaimers or Child Protective Services are going to take our children away from us.

It's all about kids and texting....

So as usual, conversations with Daughter take place via texting. Why? It's easier, faster and pure laziness on both our parts.
Todays' text convo started out with:
Daughter: Hey Mom, look at the new shoes I got...
Me: Very cute, Very High
Daughter: I know, but they are so cute, I love them.
Daughter: :'(
Me: Why sas face? (yes I know typed sas, I'm 43, not so quick on texting fast and correctly)
Me: *sad
Daughter: You don't love them like I do.
Me:I have to see them in person.
Me: Then I will love them.
Daughter: Okay I think we will come by the house around 630 for pictures, is that good? (disclaimer: my daughter is 16, does live with us, was out with Boyfriend when this was going on)
Daughter: Awesome, I still have my period. ):
Me: So do I.
Me: You are correct.
Daughter: I think mine might end unopposed.
**** And this folks is why Daughter is awesome. Yes all women would be unopposed to their period ending. Any woman that is opposed to it, should be slapped upside their head. just sayin.*****
Me: HEH?
Daughter: *tomorrow.